WordPress, Markdown, and Syntax Highlighting

Markdown is a pretty neat alternatives if you are bored with the default WYSIWYG editor that wordpress has to offer, of course you could always use another 3rd-party WYSIWYG editor available for wordpress such as TinyMCE. But if you want something simple and neat, try markdown instead. What is markdown? Markdown is a text-to-html conversion tool, the idea of this is to write in plain text format without the need of special tagging or formatting. That’s right, in PLAIN TEXT format! For instance, in html if the writer wants a text to be bold they need to enclose the text in <b></b> or <strong></strong> html tag, whereas using markdown, writer could simply write the text in plain text formatting enclosed with ** without worrying to convert them to valid XHTML or HTML as this will be converted automatically by markdown tool. But you may wonder, what’s the different then if you still need to enclose the texts with special symbols to make them appear in special formatting as in bold or italic? Well for comparison, consider these two short article written in html and markdown: ...

January 26, 2012 · svenbit